
Thursday, June 09, 2005

The Begining

Today I decided I will join the BLOG train. I am not sure how this will work for me or who would even care what goes on in my head. Here I go...
I read my sisters blog tonight and many of her comments hit me, but one made me relize I need to get my heart in a better place. I have NOT been dealing with a lot in my life. I seem to be using one thing after another to mask the last thought. I lost my mother almost 8 years ago and I still cry as I type that. I LOST her! I left one day and when I returned she was gone!!! My soul knows right where she is as well as the sweet cousin that left us only months ago. My heart and mind on the other hand still have so much pain.
Wow, I do not know where that came from seeing my idea was to start with the thought on my most recent loss. I guess it just needed to come out! Like I said "I am not sure how this will work."
I have lost loved ones in my life starting with my Grandfather. To me it is a big list but I know many have lost more. I need to do this...
11y/o Grandpa P
21y/o Mother (best friend)
22y/o Pumpkin (dog best friend)
26y/o Baby (miscarriage)
28y/o Grandma B
28y/o Grandpa B
29y/o Hunter (dog/baby)
29y/o Laurie B
Is it just me or do you lose more loved ones in a short period of time as you age?


  • At 10:50 AM, Blogger PixieGirl said…


    Thank you for being brave and sharing your heart. Thanks too for making me a LIAR! I just said you didn't feel inclined to blog, and here you go blogging! =) Rage on dear girl. It's good for you.


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