
Monday, April 09, 2007


It has been a long last couple of weeks. The week I was going to start moving my sister needed to stay over at the house due to her assistants were on vacation. POOR MANDY!!! She went to work with me everyday. All my patients loved her! (Of Course) We(Me, Marie, Mandy) went to the apartment that Wednesday to clean then Friday we started moving me in. I owe Marie my life for the DEEP cleaning she did in the kitchen cabinets. Wood and cooking oil do not go good together!
By Sunday night I was exhausted. Worked the next week which was long but not bad. The hard part was getting used to bringing Bagel to the house so Jim can see and take care of her in the evenings. Not sure how it will work long term but I would have to have someone take Bagel out each evening otherwise.
Then this past weekend...
Bachlorette party Friday night. Home at 1:00am. The girls slept over and I got in trouble for the dogs(Bagel & Diva) barking non stop when we were gone. They are fine when we were there but apparently they are obnoxious once they are alone together. I sent out my deepest apology to all my new neighbors on Saturday.
Saturday morning...30 minute drive to Mandy's early to drop her and the dogs off at her place and Lisa at work. Then to my dads by 9:00am to get my brakes replaced. Once done there at 1:00pm run get Bagel and go back 30 minutes to the vet by my place because Bagel has a bladder infection and needed antibiotics. Then back another 30 minutes to Mandy's to get ready for the most fun 50Th birthday party. Had a wonderful time and celebrate the life so far of a wonderful man!!! Back to Mandy's then home again. 30 minutes of course.
Sunday I slept in a little but just till 8am so I could get down to Mandy's and to Dad's by 12:30-1:00pm for Easter. We had a wonderful meal and watched some movies. We got to spend time with Lisa again once she was done with work. Mandy to bed and I went home again. It felt so good to lay down by then and my right eye had been bugging me since Friday so closing it put me right to sleep.
I am still tired and getting used to all the changes in my life but know that I have MANY people around me that are very supportive and love me. I will have to post some pics of the new place soon. I actually have a craft/art room and a hallway!!! I also like that my bed only touches one wall vs. three!!!


  • At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    WOW, HEIDI!!!
    Did you think you had to do everything in one weekend? You MUST be tired! I'm tired reading about your weekend. We did have a good time at Pete's party. It really was fun and a great tribute to an amazing man! Hang in there, sweetie...WEDDING in 3 days! More fun, fun, fun! Love you...
    Aunt Karen

  • At 12:02 PM, Blogger Barb K said…

    I am going to send you pics of how cute you guys looked at the party! No one would have ever guessed what kind of week you had just come off of.
    Can't wait til Jenny's wedding. We can hang out.
    Love you, Aunt Barb

  • At 8:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    time to update.

  • At 12:44 PM, Blogger Allison said…

    That was a fun time I had. Ilove watching Marie have fun.


  • At 8:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Is something wrong with you?

  • At 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey, schnoodle lover! lets get another post on here. i want to know whats going on with you!

    ALSO, Christian Bale or your foot???



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