
Friday, October 21, 2005

another week gone and getting close to 30

I was on drugs this past weekend and into the week 5days all together. They were to increase my hormones and I apologize to all I was around because they did! Every woman should know what I mean when I say "I was driving and telling myself don't be mad at Jim for the way he is breathing next to me it is just me and he is not doing it to piss me off". I went back in forth with my mood and I know it much of been anoying to others. SORRY! :( It is for the greatter good though!:)
I had a wonderful time on horseback my Stuff-a-knee (AKA Stephanie). It was her first ride. A day late but it was beautiful out. We were givin a discount due to it was to busy when we met on Saturday. We returned at 9am on Sunday and enjoyed the morning. I hope that Steph did not mind the forward bow her horse made with her on as it stetched. she stayed on the whole time and both of us were able to walk when we were done. :) My moments with just Steph are far and few between so it was wonderful to have that time together!!!!
After not getting to ride on Saturday we met up at Mandy's and shopped. FUN TIME. Thank you both for all you do for me and loving me even when I an CRAZY.
Congratulations to my co-worker Jen!!!! She is movinginto her new home TODAY!!!! I am so happy for her and had to pass that on.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

What a life she has!!!

Well, I want to start by saying my sister needs a break! If you are reading this you most likely read her blog. I think everyone needs to look at their own life and say "I can get through this!" It is a wonderful thing that God is in charge and will only give us what we can handle. My Father told Mandy once that people put a lot on her shoulders because they are small and things will just roll off, but she just keeps carrying everything. Those shoulders are not made to carry such a load! She is always willing to help anyone in anyway she can. She deserves to find more people that will help her without making her feel like some sort of burden. I know I have been one of those people many times and I need to say "SORRY". I wish I had a way of helping Mandy more. I want to say "Mandy you never have to worry again who will help you up and when they will be there..." Even my own husband does not seem to get how hard it can be to live a Fairie Princess life. Yea, she doesn't have to do the cooking and cleaning but has anyone put themselves in her shoes(not her actual shoes they are REALLY small) and tried to go through even part of a day or activity. I do not think Mandy is brave for living her life, but I do think her ability to look past those needs is inspirational!
Well now that I got that out... I am doing good and continue to go through the infertility process. Step by step I get more anxious. I keep praying to God that he is with me and my thoughts stay focused. I took a class at the woman's retreat that really hit home. The speaker told her story of how she felt when she found she was pregnant and the miscarriage she had gone through. Her story matched mine very close. By the end I was in tears and reminded that God has bigger plans. I have only been seeing and focused on what I want and want now. It helped me remember that: God is not ignoring my desire to be a mom but he knows when I should be a mom. I pray that as my next doctor appointments continue I remember that.